Parish Staff & Volunteer Contacts
Priests & Deacons
Fr. Ejay
Parish Priest
Jamie Schilling
Doug Kremer
Deacon, RCIA Director, Youth Group Coordinator
(563) 543-2135
(563) 580-5018
Tony Keppler
(563) 542-0734
Fr. Tom Srenn
Resident Retired Priest
(Assiting with Masses and Confession)
Lay Church Leadership
Kim Berntgen
Prayer Network
(563) 513-8434
Darlene Bloom
St. Mary Parish Decorating
Lee Donar
Homebound Ministry
(563) 543-7841
Judy Heitkamp
Kathy Hertig
Bulletin Editor
Melissa Kenkel
Family Catechesis
St. Anne Society
Hannah McDermott
Youth Ministry stmaryedbq-youthministry@rockforddiocese.org
Shawn McDermott
Holy Name Society
Reuben Mead
Barb Osterholz
Nativity BVM Parish Decorating
Kathy Petitgout
Altar and Rosary Society
Kelly Puls
K-1st Catechesis
Amanda Soat
Trisha Soat
2nd grade Catechesis
2nd grade Catechesis Aide
Joayne Sullivan
Prayer Network
(563) 564-2252
Kim Weber
St. Mary Parish Secretary
Kathy Williams
Coordinator of Religious Education
(563) 580-7116
Kickball Field Coordinator
Mary Kay Donnar
Joan Dyllon
Nativity BVM Parish Decorating
Kelli Lange
2nd grade Catechesis
Kathy MacFarlane
Adoration Chapel Coordinator, K-1st grade Catechesis Aide
(563) 580-1334
Vickie Middendorf
Homebound Ministry
(563) 663-6673
Merle Neisis
7th & 8th grade Confirmation
Jerry Rust
Loren Schonff
Knights of Columbus
Nativity BVM Cemetery Coordinator
Janet Swift
Liturgy Committee, Nativity BVM Rectory Staff
Ron Swift
Nativity BVM Parish Rectory Staff