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Religious Education

Religious Education is held on Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:15pm from September to May. We use a hybrid approach to learning with both classroom session and all family activities.

Kathy Williams

Coordinator of Religious Education 

(563) 580-7116

Catechesis of the Good Shephard

Kindergarten through 1st grade use a hands-on approach to learning. Children enter the mystery of the Eucharist by first learning the names of the articles used on the altar and then through the gestures used at Mass. The child becomes acquainted with the historical character of Jesus through small model characters used to act out the bible stories. Additional work will be sent home for parent/child interaction. 

Kelly Puls and Kathy MacFarlane
1st Reconciliation & Communion

Preparation for 1st Communion and 1st Reconciliation are weekly classes. Parents are required to attend 6 parenting classes relating to these sacraments. A retreat/practice will be scheduled before 1st communion, which occurs in  the spring. 

Kelli Lange and Amanda Soat

Trisha Soat
Family Catechesis

3rd through 6th grade delve more deeply into the Family Catechesis with a parent class scheduled at the beginning of the month where materials are presented. The parent then works with their child at home. At the end of the month parents and children attend a family class to reinforce what was learned at home.  

Melissa Kenkel

7th and 8th graders attend weekly classes with their sponsor or parent in preparation for Confirmation. Confirmation completes the Baptismal right of initiation and brings these students into full membership of our Catholic faith. There is usually a retreat the 1st year of preparation. During the second year of preparation students meet with the pastor or deacon individually to discern their readiness for the sacrament. 

Merle Neises
Individuals with Disabilities

Every child deserves to be able to receive the sacraments and be formed in the Catholic faith, so to accommodate the needs of every child modified classes will be offered on an as needed bases. Please reach out if you have any questions. 

Kathy Williams
Vacation Bible School

A summer faith formation opportunity where children from Kindergarten to 5th grade are able to continue to grow in their faith through music, art, games, and prayer. Information and sign up is announced in the Spring of each year.


Middle and High Schoolers, as well as adults, are encouraged to volunteer to run different stations and help facilitate group activities. It offers an impactful opportunity for to engage in actively sharing their faith with others. 

Kathy Williams
Youth Group

Youth Group is intended for those in 4th to 12th grade. It is not meant to replace formal Catechesis classes what it is meant to do is give youth an additional space to grow in faith and community, with each meeting/event having a different and independent topic/activity. 


Mission Statement: 

"Growing individually and communionally as disciples of Jesus Christ, while preparing to evangelize in a challenging world."


Fall 2024 Meeting and Topic Schedule: 

Spring 25 Side A.png
Spring 25 Side B.png
Hannah McDermott &
Deacon Jamie Schilling

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